Agaiiiin, welcome to our mini online space! As Caro shared in the previous post, we first want to share how we met before this collaboration. It’s hard for us to track exactly how we became friends but we’ve been following each other on Instagram for quite some time now. (Contrary to Caro’s statement, she is the popular one! Haha!)
A memorable random conversation we had is how we compared and contrasted the strong Spanish influence our countries have through an Instagram photo of dulce de leche or manjar as they call it in Chile. This eventually led to our discovery of so many other similarities on a cultural and personal level. Others may find it weird to talk to a stranger online but it really felt like finding a long-lost sister from the other side of the world!
Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger have been instrumental in strengthening our online sisterhood. Aside from the daily chatter (about serious and shallow stuff haha), we also sent each other video clips to show what the other country is about. Soon enough, our sisters Cara (mine) and Tanya (Caro’s), my brothers Ron and Enzo and even our parents gamely joined in what seemed like a reality series. Of course, the one with the most number of appearances in our video exchange is Renato, Caro’s loving and supportive husband.
Haha, that nice description is my way of thanking him for helping us make this possible. Kidding aside, they really are a cool couple who make virtual third wheeling so much fun (from their Starbucks dates to several road trips!).
It’s true what they say that friendship is not about the quantity but the quality of time spent together. We are proof to that. We may not have personally met yet but we have joined each other in good times and bad. We are happy to share that this blog is going to be an extension of that bond. We also aim to make this a venue for us to pursue other things we love like doodling!
We’re really hoping you’ll take part in this personal and creative journey of ours.
Hello Kate and Caro!
sending my warmest welcome to Distance Doodlers
Hi Chrissy!
Caro, meet Chrissy, a very good friend from work! 
Hi Chrissy! nice too meet you! Hola! FROM cHILE
Hello hello! Hola!
I’m so excited for you both!
Nice to meet you Caro 