This post was inspired by Caro‘s previously posted avocado recipe. During one of my Whatsapp conversations with her and her husband Renato, they were surprised to find out I eat avocado for dessert (and it’s actually one of my favoritessss!). While avocado is also used in salads and savory dishes here in the Philippines, it’s often used as a fruit more than a vegetable. In my opinion, the creamy texture makes it perfect for dessert! Some say it’s an Asian thing. Many Asian countries use avocado for dessert. 🙂
Based from my experience, avocado is often sweetened with milk and many fruit shake vendors offer it as a fruit shake (avocado meat + milk + sugar + crushed ice placed on a blender!).
Just as I was about to doodle my recipe, I remembered a photo of my Lola, maternal grandmother, from three years ago. Seen above is how she scooped out the avocado meat and placed the all the cut-up pieces in a plastic container. Later, she placed a can of sweetened condensed milk into the avocado meat and some ice cubes (She doesn’t skip on putting the cubes even when we feel they’re unnecessary once inside the freezer). After chilling or freezing, our avocado dessert will have the consistency of ice creaaaam. <3 That’s my Lola’s SUPER SIMPLE avocado dessert recipe!
During one of my Whatsapp conversations with Caro and her husband Renato, they were surprised to find out I eat avocado for dessert (and it’s actually one of my favoritessss!). While avocado is also used in salads and savory dishes here in the Philippines, it’s often used as a fruit more than a vegetable. In my opinion, the creamy texture makes it perfect for dessert! Some say it’s an Asian thing. Many Asian countries use avocado for dessert. 🙂
Based from my experience, avocado is often sweetened with milk and many fruit shake vendors offer it as a fruit shake (avocado meat + milk + sugar + crushed ice placed on a blender!).