Finally, after a long hiatus, I’m baaack! 🙂 Happy PEPERO Day, everyone! 🙂 This November 11 thing is an observance in Korea but since I’m a big fan of Pepero, I’m joining in the celebration. I first learned about this from a Korean classmate back in high school (more than a decade ago!!!) but it was only recently that I “observed” it. In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, Pepero is a popular Korean snack, a biscuit stick dipped in chocolate. Boxes of these chocolate-covered biscuit sticks are exchanged among people to show affection. Sources say that originally, peperos were exchanged in hopes of getting thinner and taller. As you will notice, the sticks resemble the date 11.11.:)

My Slice of K posts:
A photo posted by Kate Adajar (@sliceofk) on
Omg the 11.11 Chu Chu is so Cute!!! :3 here those are called poki or something :p