We’re a few days away from Holy Week! Hope we’ll all find time to do some reflecting and communicating with God. Sharing with you my current desktop wallpaper to remind me to live each day in faith. I hand painted the flowers using watercolor about two weeks ago and I have been changing the […]
Video: Digital Tools I use the most (Caro)
Since i seem to be in the mood for making embarrassing videos lately… I decided to talk about a recent question someone asked me on my Instagram: What digital tools I use the most… here’s the result! ^^
Watercolor Class Seatwork: FLOWERS
So happy that we finally reached my most awaited part of the class – painting flowers! I’ve been looking forward to doing this since day 1. I know I still have a lot of painting practice to do (plus I need to have better water and brush control!), but it gives me so much joy to […]
Valerie Chua’s Watercolor Class
Influenced by the growing art community here in the Philippines, particularly in Manila, I took several workshops this year on calligraphy and watercolor. My best experience to date is my 6-session watercolor class under Valerie Chua (She’s @valeriechuaart on Instagram). It’s sad that my batch will have our last two sessions with her next week but I’m […]
Watercolor and Ink :)
It’s been quite a while since I last wrote a post here and I apologize. This time I will write a mini post trying to show the process I follow when painting a small watercolor. Continue to read this ….